How to Utilize Facebook Timeline Dimensions Efficiently [Infographic] Blog Feature

By: Velocity23

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How to Utilize Facebook Timeline Dimensions Efficiently [Infographic]

Social Media

When Facebook first rolled out the new timeline look for all business pages, there were a lot of people left wondering how to use it.

The rules for cover photos, the tabs, highlighting and pinning posts - there were a lot of questions.

But have you noticed there are WAY more images than there used to be?

This is because Facebook wants images!

So how do you use the Facebook timeline dimensions to your best advantage?

Do you know what they should be?

Check out this infographic for more details on how the images work on your business page:


A couple of things to keep in mind:

  • All cover photos are public so they can't be deceptive, misleading, or infringe on any copyrights.They also need to be a minimum of 399 pixels wide but really, do you want to let all that real estate at the top of the page go to waste?!
  • Whenever you post or share a link on your page include a title, description and a thumbnail.
  • The preference order for Facebook is a) images and photos, b) status updates and c) links. Images will always get more views.

What's been your experience with Facebook timeline dimensions? Love it or hate it? Let us know in the comment box!


About Velocity23

We help home builders and developers upgrade their marketing, sales and operations processes so they can grow and scale their business, and sell more homes.

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